Thursday, March 14, 2013

A well oiled machine

Its almost the end of spring break for me and if I got at least one thing accomplished it was a complete reoganization of my work space. I've been having problems with clutter and my studio looked like a tornado hit it. So using only a $20 dollar bill and a ton of trash bags I attacked the studio. I bought a bunch of small bins from the dollar tree to organize my threads, bias tapes,office supplies, and other small objects I use often in my business to arrange my supplies in a manner that made it easier for me to find it so getting work done and clean up will take less time then before. I've also separated my racks with one for supplies and the other for completed product.

I am so happy with the set up now, especially with the photography area for my cosplay pieces, because I might be actually able to get some work done at home! Now if the rest of life could just take a back seat so I could have maybe 3 hours to sit at the sewing machine I would be a happy mommy....

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