Friday, June 14, 2013

Prepping for a con! (in artist's alley or the dealer's room!)

I'm heading to Anime Blues Con which right around the corner and I thought it would be a good idea to make a con survival post for those who are behind the tables selling or promoting at a convention.

Cons can be a fun and wonderful experience but when you're behind a table you need to make sure you have a few things with you, besides your equipment and product, to make it through the day!

Survival Bag Contents: 
  • Large Water Bottle. (You'll have plenty of sodas, Ramune, and other fun beverages to drink but you need to drink plenty of water to keep yourself going!)
  • Towel ('cause you know the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy says so!)
  • Extra set of clothes (if you're like me you'll be in costume most of the day but when it comes to tearing down you'll want a pair of comfy clothes to be in to leave!)
  • Extra Cash outside of your change for customers
  • Phone Charger 
  • A Bento Box of Healthy Goodies (If you have dietary restrictions or allergies this is a must plus you need to stay healthy in a sea of pocky, ramen, and hi-chews.)
  • Deodorant (Do I need to explain con funk to you?)

Once you're behind your table you need to remember a few things also: 
  • Establish relationships with your fellow dealers/artist alley people! These people will help to watch your table when you need to run to the bathroom or help to get food. 
  • Don't forget packaging for items!  It makes your items feel specials and your customers.
  • Remember to give our your promotional items to everyone who stops by and thank them! 
  • Don't forge to take breaks before things start to rev back up or when they start to die down. 
  • Offer to watch your fellow dealers/artist alley members tables if they need to take a break when they do it for you! 

These are just a few things for surviving a con when you are behind a table and can apply when you are at a con as well hopping around from panel to panel.

Monday, June 10, 2013

What happens when you cross My Little Pony with the Invisible Pink Unicorn?

 You get My Little Invisible Pink Unicorn!
(Yes that is my arm and the original line work I did for it)