Monday, November 12, 2012

Fat Cat Coffee Break

Fat Cat Coffee Break

I've just finished my first convention of the Fall/Winter Season and I'm using today as a coffee break the best I can with the kid home due to the holiday. I'm really surprised with how well I did at my first show of the season and even though it was a relatively small convention which included a field trip for school kids the first day of the con, it turned out to be a good experience. I know for sure I will be back next year with more key chains, unicorn horn headbands (I'll post a preview of these soon), and small zippered bags.

What's next?

The Memphis College of Art's Holiday Bazaar is this Friday and runs through 5pm on Saturday. This means I've got another show to prepare for in less then a week again and I need to fill out labels, create new inventory, and do a new inventory list. I've placed a large, okay more like a ridiculous, number of paintings in the art section and I've gotten a full table for my jewelry and cosplay items.

....and I really need to clean up the house today before it gets any later plus get a presentation ready for school.

Back to the grind...


  1. You have really cute jewelry pieces! Good luck with getting ready for your show! i hope it's not too stressful!

    xox, amber

    1. Thank you so much! I've got a lot going on this season but luckily the semester is almost done for my grad classes so I can concentrate on family, home, and shows.

  2. TOO FREAKING COOL, lady! I haven't done shows yet, but I totally hope to be able to start doing those next year.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

    1. I think even before shows you should check out small consignment stores and galleries that also sell things other then art in your area. They are great for getting your name out there without the hassle of lugging so much stuff.


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